PROJECT XENO| XENO “GUARDIAN” Stats, Skills, and Weapon Summary


The GUARDIAN is a class that excels at defense and healing. It’s appreciated by many players for its impressive speed. Its HP is overwhelmingly higher compared to the other five classes. However, their ATK is low, so it’s best to team them with a high-damage XENO.


While the Guardian’s skills are incredibly useful for protecting the party, they come at the cost of consuming a lot of Energy. It’s a good idea to conserve Energy in the early rounds or let the high-damage XENO use it. Alternatively, consider activating Energy Gain early to accumulate Energy.

Timing is key when using Magnetic Armor, which draws enemy attacks to the Guardian. It’s best used when other XENO skills are on cooldown. However, if you absolutely must survive a turn, use the Perfect Wall special skill. Perfect Wall grants you Haste, allowing you to be the first to act this turn, regardless of SPD. With plenty of shield, it’s a skill worth saving for critical moments.

Team Compositions for GUARDIAN

The GUARDIAN is often paired with the PSYCHIC. Common team formations include a GUARDIAN with two PSYCHICs, or a GUARDIAN with a PSYCHIC and a NINJA.

A party with a GUARDIAN and PSYCHICs provides a balanced mix of defense and offense. While the PSYCHIC’s HP is low, its summoned units are powerful. On the other hand, the GUARDIAN compensates for its high HP with a lower ATK. Pairing them ensures that they complement each other and cover each other’s weaknesses. The most recommended strategy is to have the GUARDIAN shield the two PSYCHICs while the PSYCHICs fill the field with high HP summoned units. Unless the opponent launches a full-scale attack, the sheer number of units can overwhelm the enemy.

For players lacking two PSYCHICs, assembling a GUARDIAN, PSYCHIC, and NINJA team ensures a balanced and potent combination.The key to victory in this composition is the PSYCHIC’s special skill Armageddon.  As the turns progress, Armageddon’s power increases. In particular, its damage triples after TURN 4. The strategy is to get through the early game with the GUARDIAN’s defenses and then attack with the NINJA’s fast attacks. Once past TURN 4, unleash Armageddon for the finish.




Perfect Wall200Inflicts “haste” effect, a shield of 500 durabillity, and “Covered” statis.
Hyper Repair100Recover 80 HP to all allies and removes all debuffs.
Aegis100Applies a shield with 90 endurance to all allies. During the turn of use, no longer receive critical hits.


Little Archer3summonSummon 1 Little Archer to an empty square. [Summon effect] 73HP, Attacks adisabling formation attack with 76 damage to the furthest enemy.
Judgement4attackAttacks a single enemy with effect value 78. Deals damage to the opponent equal to 80% of your shield value. After activation, the shield disappears. Cool down: 3 turns.
Predetor β2attackAttacks a single enemy with an effect value of 68 and heals 58 of its iwn HP. If any other cards has already been activated, it will heal 116.
Dome1uniqueAdds a shield of 160 durability this turn. you will not recieve a critical ahit during this turn.
Predetor α1attackAttacks a single enemy with an effect value of 30 and heals 30 of its iwn HP. If any other cards has already been activated, it will heal 60.
Stone Wall2summonSummon a Stone Wall to an empty square.
[Summon Effect] 300HP, Stone Wall does not attack. Cool time; 1 turn.
Magnetic Armor1uniqueAdds a shield of 100 durability this turn inflicts “Covered” status to the XENO itself.
Big Dome2uniquePuts up a shield of durability 81 on all allies for this turn.
Repair2uniqueHeals 66 HP of all your summoned units and permanently increase their damage by 5%.
Energy Gain3attackAttacks a single enemy with an effect value of 70, and gaub 3 energy.
Omega4summonDestroys all ou your summoned units and summons Omega. Omega’s HP and Skill damage will be equal to the number of summoned units destroyed x 100. [Summon Effect] Attacks the nearest enemy.
Little Cannon1summonSummons 1 Little Cannon to an empty an empty square. [Summon Effect] 60HP, Attacks a single attack of 60 damage to the nearest enemy.
Power Strike2attackAttacks a single enemy with an effect value of 28, and adds damage equivalent to 10% of its own HP. If the target is a GRAPPLER, the attack will be critical.


Mace / War Hammer / Ancient Hammer

COMMONMaceEnhances damage by 4% for [Little Cannon]
UNCOMMONMace.EvoEnhances damage by 12% for [Little Cannon]Enhances the damage and heal amount of [Predator α] by 8%
RAREWar HammerEnhances damage by 16% for [Little Cannon]Enhances the damage and heal amount of [Predator α] by 8%Enhances damage by 12% for [Repair]
EPICWar Hammer.EvoEnhances damage by 20% for [Little Cannon]Enhances the damage and heal amount of [Predator α] by 12%Enhances damage by 16% for [Repair]Enhances damage by 12% for [Omega]
LEGENDARYAncient HammerEnhances damage by 24% for [Little Cannon]Enhances the damage and heal amount of [Predator α] by 20%Enhances damage by 16% for [Repair]Enhances damage by 16% for [Omega]Enhances damage by 20% for [Little Archer]

Great Club / Golden Hammer / Demonio

COMMONGreat ClubEnhances the damage and heal amount of [Predator β] by 4%
UNCOMMONGreat Club.EvoEnhances the damage and heal amount of [Predator β] by 8%Enhances damage by 8% for [Power Strike]
RAREGolden HammerEnhances the damage and heal amount of [Predator β] by 12%Enhances damage by 12% for [Power Strike]Enhances damage by 12% for [Energy Gain]
EPICGolden Hammer.EvoEnhances the damage and heal amount of [Predator β] by 16%Enhances damage by 16% for [Power Strike]Enhances damage by 16% for [Energy Gain]Enhances the shield amount of [Magnetic Armor] by 12%
LEGENDARYDemonioEnhances the damage and heal amount of [Predator β] by 16%Enhances damage by 16% for [Power Strike]Enhances damage by 20% for [Energy Gain]Enhances the shield amount of [Magnetic Armor] by 24%Enhances the damage and heal amount of [Predator α] by 20%

Battle Hammer / Granto / Gaea Mace

COMMONBattle HammerEnhances the shield amount of [Dome] by 4%
UNCOMMONBattle Hammer.EvoEnhances the shield amount of [Dome] by 8%Enhances the shield amount of [Magnetic Armor] by 8%
RAREGrantoEnhances the shield amount of [Dome] by 12%Enhances the shield amount of [Magnetic Armor] by 8%Enhances damage by 8% for [Power Strike]
EPICGranto.EvoEnhances the shield amount of [Dome] by 16%Enhances the shield amount of [Magnetic Armor] by 16%Enhances damage by 16% for [Power Strike]Enhances damage by 12% for [Little Cannon]
LEGENDARYGaea MaceEnhances the shield amount of [Dome] by 20%Enhances the shield amount of [Magnetic Armor] by 20%Enhances damage by 16% for [Power Strike]Enhances damage by 24% for [Little Cannon]Enhances the damage and heal amount of [Predator β] by 20%

Regarding weapons, please take a look at this article for an explanation!