PROJECT XENO| XENO “PSYCHIC” Stats, Skills, and Weapon Summary


Among the classes in XENO, the PSYCHIC has the lowest overall stats, falling below average in HP, ATK, and SPD. Their low HP is particularly noticeable.

However, PSYCHICs excel at long-range and formation-ignoring attacks, specializing in precise, pinpoint attacks. As their turns progress, they can increase their power with SPECIAL Moves such as Armageddon and Collapse.

They’re the only class in XENO with a group healing ability, making them a prime target for enemies. The key to having a PSYCHIC in your lineup is to protect them effectively. 


PSYCHICs have several summoning abilities. The Meteor, which can deal immense damage to all enemies, should be summoned proactively. The strategy will be to either defend the Meteor or use it as bait. Its ability to deal massive damage makes it an indispensable presence for opponents.

Many players also prefer the single-target, formation-ignoring Fire Ball, the Tron, which increases damage with each strike (up to +200%), and the all-powerful Little Thunder. Special skills include the powerful area-of-effect Armageddon and the formidable Valkyrie unit.

Team Compositions for PSYCHIC

Considering the PSYCHIC’s low HP, employing the defensive strengths of the GUARDIAN to protect the PSYCHIC can be said to have a superb synergy. To deflect damage, position the GUARDIAN in front of the PSYCHIC on your team. A NINJA or SAMURAI would be a good choice for the rear unit.

A GUARDIAN, PSYCHIC, and NINJA team relies primarily on summoning skills. While the GUARDIAN defends the back, the PSYCHIC can summon Little Magician and Meteor, and the NINJA can summon Kunoichi. Be careful, though, as this lineup is vulnerable to all enemy attacks. Successfully shielding XENO and summoned units with the GUARDIAN is crucial to victory.

A combination of GUARDIAN, PSYCHIC, and SAMURAI also works well. This synergy comes from the fact that the SAMURAI can continuously increase its Energy with Meditation, while the GUARDIAN can use Energy Gain. With more Energy, the PSYCHIC’s Meteor, which requires four Energy, can be summoned repeatedly. However, this team lacks a high-damage XENO, making prolonged battles more likely.




Collapse200Attacks a disabling formation attack on a single enemy with an effect value of 30. Adds x40 damage over the number of elapsed turns.
Armageddon200Performs an attack with an effectiveness value of 55 on all enemies. If it is the 7th turn or later, the damage dealt is increased by 300%.
Valkyrie100Summons one Valkyrie on an empty space.
[Summoning Effect] HP 240, Performs an attack with a power of 150 on the nearest enemy.


Meteor4summonSummons 1 Meteor to an empty square. [Summon Effect] 357HP, After waiting for 3 actions, attacks disabling formation attack with 348 damage to entire enemy, then vanishes.
Little Magician3summonSummons 1 Little Magician to an empty square. [Summon Effect] HP104, Attacks disabling formation attacks with 114 damage to the entire enemy.
Shock Pulse2AttackPerforms a formation negation attack with an effectiveness value of 108 on a single enemy. Additionally, inflicts paralysis for 2 turns.
Fire Ball2attackAttacks a single enemy with an effect value of 120 in disabling formation. If the target is NINJA, it will be critical.
Tron1attackAttacks a single enemy with an effect value of 55. Every time you use this skill card, the effect value will be increased by 50%, up to 200%.
Little Thunder3attackAttack the entire enemy with an effect value of 75. If the target is a NINJA, the attack will be critical.
Cross Blizzard3attackAttacks enemies in 5 square in the shape of X with an effect value of 158.
Accel Force1uniqueGain 1 energy. Inflicts itself the effect of “attack ability for the next turn is increased by 10% and SPD for the next turn is increased by 15%.”.
Nightmare4attackAttacks a single enemy with an effect value of 200 in disabling formation. Inflicts the effect of “ATK bonus will not be applied to the card for 3 turns.”
Heal Ring3uniqueRestores 40 HP to all XENO allies and removes status ailments.
Cooldown: 2 turns.
Heal Tower3summonSummon 1 Heal Tower to an empty square. [Summon Effect] 118HP, Heals all allied XENOs for effect 96 at the time of acrion. Then vanishes after 3 actions.
Angel Heart1attackAttacks a single enemy with an effect value of 54. Heals itself by 20 HP and prevents critical hits during this turn.
Inferno3attackAttacks in a vertical line with an effect value of 110. If the attack hits the enemy’s back row, it will be critical.


Magical Rod / Void Rod / Azot Rod

COMMONMagical RodEnhances damage by 4% for [Tron]
UNCOMMONMagical Rod.EvoEnhances damage by 8% for [Tron]Enhances damage by 8% for [Little Magician]
RAREVoid RodEnhances damage by 8% for [Tron]Enhances damage by 12% for [Little Magician]Enhances damage by 16% for [Inferno]
EPICVoid Rod.EvoEnhances damage by 16% for [Tron]Enhances damage by 12% for [Little Magician]Enhances damage by 20% for [Inferno]Enhances damage by 16% for [Little Thunder]
LEGENDARYAzot RodEnhances damage by 20% for [Tron]Enhances damage by 16% for [Little Magician]Enhances damage by 24% for [Inferno]Enhances damage by 20% for [Little Thunder]Enhances damage by 16% for [Meteor]

Richter Staff / Crystal Rod / Ancient Staff

COMMONRichter StaffEnhances damage by 4% for [Fire Ball]
UNCOMMONRichter Staff.EvoEnhances damage by 8% for [Fire Ball]Enhances the damage and heal amount of [Angel Heart] by 8%
RARECrystal RodEnhances damage by 12% for [Fire Ball]Enhances the damage and heal amount of [Angel Heart] by 12%Enhances the damage and effective amount of [Nightmare] by 12%
EPICCrystal Rod.EvoEnhances damage by 16% for [Fire Ball]Enhances the damage and heal amount of [Angel Heart] by 12%Enhances the damage and effective amount of [Nightmare] by 12%Enhances damage by 20% for [Cross Blizzard]
LEGENDARYAncient StaffEnhances damage by 20% for [Fire Ball]Enhances the damage and heal amount of [Angel Heart] by 12%Enhances the damage and effective amount of [Nightmare] by 20%Enhances damage by 20% for [Cross Blizzard]Enhances the heal amount of [Heal Tower] by 24%

Metamorph Wand / Staff of Oz / Imperial Wand

COMMONMetamorph WandEnhances damage by 4% for [Little Magician]
UNCOMMONMetamorph Wand.EvoEnhances damage by 8% for [Little Magician]Enhances damage by 8% for [Tron]
RAREStaff of OzEnhances damage by 12% for [Little Magician]Enhances damage by 8% for [Tron]Enhances damage by 12% for [Heal Tower]
EPICStaff of Oz.EvoEnhances damage by 16% for [Little Magician]Enhances damage by 8% for [Tron]Enhances damage by 16% for [Heal Tower]Enhances damage by 16% for [Meteor]
LEGENDARYImperial WandEnhances damage by 24% for [Little Magician]Enhances damage by 16% for [Tron]Enhances damage by 16% for [Heal Tower]Enhances damage by 20% for [Meteor]Enhances the damage and effective amount of [Nightmare] by 20%

Regarding weapons, please take a look at this article for an explanation!