Mastering Status Ailments in Project XENO: A Comprehensive Guide to Strategic Gameplay


The popular NFT game Project XENO features classes that can inflict status ailments. For example, XENOs affected by the Poison status from the NINJA skill will lose HP continuously over several turns. 

In this article, we’ll look at the list of Status Ailments in Project XENO and the skills that counter them.

What are the Status Ailments in Project XENO?

Status Afflictions in Project XENO refer to skills that cause abnormalities in the status of enemy XENOs. In other words, skills that cause Status Afflictions can also be seen as skills that are designed to hinder the opponent. For example, some of the various disruptions caused to an enemy with a status affliction include:

  • Poison: Reduces HP when any of the units act.
  • Stun: Causes the enemy to miss their next attack.
  • Electric Shock: No criticals will be activated.
  • Burn: Persistent damage occurs during burns.
  • Freeze: The final damage inflicted by attack skills is reduced.

Only certain classes have skills that can inflict status afflictions on an opponent. In addition, some classes have skills that can heal these ailments, making skill balance critical.

Status Ailment List in Project XENO

There are five XENO classes that have skills that can inflict Status Ailments – NINJA, GRAPPLER, SAMURAI, PSYCHIC, and BREAKER. Below is a look at the specific Status Ailment skills that each class has.


The NINJA class excels at inflicting Status Ailments, and therefore has the widest variety of such skills of any class.

Here are the details of their skills:

SkillsStatus Ailment InflictedCostContents
Poison BombPoison3Attacks the entire enemy with an effect value of 20. If the target is XENO, inflict Poison (effect:1) for 3 turns.
Poison Slay2Attack a single enemy with an effect value of 82. Inflicts poison (effect:5) for 3 turns.
Deadly Chemical Poison1Attacks a single enemy with an effect value of 25. If the enemy is poisoned, the damage is multiplied by 8 times the poison effect and the poisoned state is removed.
UnderworldSpecial SkillAttacks the entire enemy with an effect value of 30. Inflicts poison (effect:5) for 3 turns. 
AmaterasuStunSpecial SkillGrant self with Swiftness and perform an attack with an effect value of 10 on all enemies. Additionally, grant all enemies with Stun for 1 turn.
Thunder SmiteElectric2Attacks a disabling formation attack on a single enemy with an effect value of 65. If the target is a SAMURAI, attack again. Inflicts electric for 3 turns.
Rising FlameBurn2Attacks a single enemy with 88 damage. Reduces the cost of NINJA’s skill cards after this card to -1 within this turn. Inflicts burn (effect: 16) for 2 turns.


The GRAPPLER has the second highest attack power of all classes. However, it is said that by using various skills, it can become the class with the highest attack power.

However, the GRAPPLER has one skill that can inflict a condition.

SkillsStatus Ailment InflictedCostContents
Rising DragonStun4Attacks a single enemy with an effect value of 144. If the target is XENO, the attack will be critical. After the attack, reduces your XENO’s HP by 60.  Stuns the target enemy for 1 turn. 


The SAMURAI class has lower overall stats, such as slower SPD. However, they excel at skills that slow down opponents and inflict various status ailments. In addition, it is the only class with skills that can remove ailments.

The SAMURAI’s debuff skills are as follows:

SkillsStatus Ailment InflictedCostContents
Crescent MoonStun3Attacks the nearest enemies in the row with an effect value of 123. If attack 3 targets, the damage will be increased by 150%. Stuns the target enemy for 1 turn.
DragonfangFreeze2Attacks a single enemy with an effect value of 120. Inflicts Freeze for 2 turns.


The PSYCHIC class, in exchange for having all stats below average, possesses a variety of status ailment skills. Mastering the use of these skills is crucial.

SkillsStatus Ailment InflictedCostContents
Shock PulseElectric2Attacks disabling formation with an effect value of 108 to the entire enemy. Inflicts Electric Shock for 2 turns. 
Little Thunder3Attacks the entire enemy with an effect value of 70. If the target is a NINJA, the attack will be critical. Inflicts electric for 1 turn. 
Fire BallBurn2Attacks a single enemy with an effect value of 100 in disabling formation. If the target is NINJA, it will be critical. Inflicts burn for 2 turns.
Inferno3Attacks in a vertical line with an effect value of 110. If the attack hits the enemy’s back row, it will be critical. Inflicts burn for 2 turns.
Cross BlizzardFreeze3Attacks enemies in 5 squares in the shape of X with an effect value of 158. Inflicts Freeze for 2 turns.


The BREAKER has the highest attack power of any class. However, it has the slowest SPD. The BREAKER only has the following status ailment skill:

SkillsStatus Ailment InflictedCostContents
CatastoropheBurn3Attacks a single enemy with an effect value of 158. If the target is a GUARDIAN, it will be critical. Forces enemy to discard all cards with a cost of 3 or more in the enemy’s hand. Inflicts burn for 2 turns.

Countermeasures Against Status Ailments

Even if a status ailment has been inflicted, it can be removed using skills such as those described below. Since only a limited number of professions have these removal skills, it is important to carefully consider your team composition before building your team.

SkillsClassesStatus Ailments that Can Be RemovedCostContents
MaliceSAMURAIAll debuffs1Cancels all debuffs from all allies, and reduces the duration of poison and stun debuffs by 3 turns. Additionally, deals 46 damage to a single enemy. 
Hyper RepairGUARDIANAll debuffsSpecial SkillRecover 80 HP to all allies and removes all debuffs.
Storm StanceGRAPPLERAll debuffs (only itself)1This turn, all the damage dealt by own attack is +81, removes abnormalities on itself and inflicts a slowdown itself.
Heal RingPHYCHICAll debuffs3Recovers 40HP of all allied XENOs and removes any negative status effects.

Master the Status Ailment Skills in Project XENO!

In Project XENO, there are status ailment skills that are specifically designed to interrupt attacks. On the other hand, there are also classes that have skills that can remove these debuffs. Ideally, having a unit in your formation that can remove all debuffs will make combat much easier. Skills such as Malice and Storm Stance, which have a cost of 1, are particularly recommended.