Elemental Story World’s Marketplace Launches on January 14th



  • The “Elemental Story World” new marketplace is set to open on January 14, 2024.
  • The My Page domain will change, with new access available at https://market.elementalstory-world.com.
  • Initially, USDT will not be usable for purchasing Elemental Market Money (EM), but it is planned to be supported in the future.

The Elemental Story World has announced the launch of its new marketplace on January 14th at 21:00, ahead of the release of the app. This new platform aims to provide users with a more convenient and comprehensive experience.

One significant change announced is the domain change of the Elemental Story World’s My Page. Currently accessible through the XENO Marketplace, it will now be accessible through the following new address in line with the launch of the new Elemental Story World Marketplace:

▼New Address

It should also be noted that the Elemental Market Money (EM) will not be available for purchase using USDT for the time being, but this is expected to be addressed in the future. This update will allow users to further enjoy their experience in the new marketplace.

Elemental Story World is committed to providing an enhanced service through this new marketplace. Users can look forward to engaging in transactions and community activities within this new platform!