PROJECT XENO: The Complete Guide to Items and How to Get Them


PROJECT XENO is an exciting online game that demands dynamic strategy and skill. It is popular among users from Japan to overseas, including the appointment of Ambassador Mr. HIKARU.

In this game, various items play an essential role in the success of the players. Acquiring and using these items correctly has a significant impact on progress within the game, forming a crucial strategic element for players.

This article summarizes the list of items appearing in PROJECT XENO and their methods of acquisition. Please read until the end!

Item List

ItemDescriptionHow to Acquire
TreasureNaturally acquired during gameplay and can be obtained by completing specific tasks.Gameplay, completing specific tasks
Battle PassPurchased per season. Rewards are earned by achieving set goals.Seasonal purchase
Master KeyUsed to instantly open treasure chests.Login bonuses, battle pass rewards, in-app purchases (limited packs)
Soul TokenNecessary for leveling up characters.Opening treasure, battle pass rewards, in-app purchases (limited packs)
GoldIn-game currency.Opening treasure, battle pass rewards, purchasing with U Coins, in-app purchases
Weapon (WEAPON)Equips to XENO to enhance skill card power.Opening NFT-BOX, purchasing at the marketplace
Charm (CHARM)Accessory to boost XENO’s status.Opening NFT-BOX, purchasing at the marketplace
U CoinCurrency used for opening treasure and re-rolls.Opening treasure, battle pass rewards, in-app purchases
G CoinCurrency for in-app purchases.Credit card or virtual currency purchases

Treasure (Chest)

Description: Treasures contain various in-game items such as gold, keys, and equipment. The rewards vary based on the level and type of the treasure.

Acquisition Method: Naturally acquired during gameplay, can also be obtained by completing specific tasks. Additionally, they can be purchased using U Coins.

Battle Pass

Description: The Battle Pass is a system where players can earn rewards by achieving specific goals during a certain period of the game. It provides access to items, character upgrades, and exclusive content.

Acquisition Method: Available for purchase each season. There are free and paid versions, with the paid version offering more substantial rewards.

Master Key

Description: Used to open treasure chests. Normal treasures require over three hours to unlock, but the chest can only hold a limited number of slots (up to four if you don’t have any NFTs). Thus, if the slots are full, you won’t receive additional treasures. The Master Key can instantly open chests, regardless of the recovery time. It is particularly recommended for treasures containing high-rarity items.

Acquisition Method: Login bonuses, battle pass rewards, in-app purchases.

Soul Token

Description: Essential for leveling up characters. Using gold and Soul Tokens, you can level up your XENO. Obtaining Soul Tokens is crucial for victory in battles as the higher the level of XENO, the more Soul Tokens are required. Carefully consider which XENO to enhance before using them. The author has leveled up six types of XENO evenly, making it increasingly challenging to win in the arena.

Acquisition Method: Opening treasure, battle pass rewards, in-app purchases (limited packs).


Description: Used as the in-game currency for leveling up characters (XENO), skill cards, and special skills. Some treasures yield a large amount of gold, which is a fortunate find. Like Soul Tokens, gold is necessary for development, so use it carefully for growth.

Acquisition Method: Opening treasure, battle pass rewards, purchasing with U Coins, in-app purchases.

Please note that other items such as Weapons, Charms, U Coins, and G Coins are also important, but are detailed in another article.

Utilization and Strategy of Items

In PROJECT XENO, Treasure, Battle Pass, Master Key, Soul Token, and Gold are essential. Treasures provide various items, especially unique rewards through the Battle Pass. The Master Key shortens the opening time of treasure, providing quicker access to rare items. Soul Tokens are vital for character growth, and effective use is key to victory. Gold, as the in-game currency, plays a crucial role in character development and skill upgrades. Strategic use of these items is essential for success in the game.

Points to Note About In-App Purchases

Purchasing premium items like NFT-BOX and Battle Passes might require in-app purchases. However, it is crucial to consider financial flexibility and responsible spending.

PROJECT XENO: Item Overview and Acquisition Methods Q&A

Q1: What is the most basic item in PROJECT XENO?

A1: The most basic item is the ‘Treasure,’ naturally acquired during gameplay. It contains gold, keys, equipment items, etc.

Q2: What are the benefits of purchasing a Battle Pass?

A2: Purchasing a Battle Pass allows you to earn rewards by achieving specific goals, offering items, character upgrades, and exclusive content. The paid version offers more substantial rewards.

Q3: What is the main use of the Master Key?

A3: The Master Key is used to shorten the opening time of treasures, especially recommended for treasures containing high-rarity items.

Q4: How should I effectively use Soul Tokens?

A4: Soul Tokens are needed for leveling up characters. It’s more effective to focus on specific characters. As the level increases, the required number of Soul Tokens increases, so choose wisely which character to strengthen.

Q5: What should I be cautious about regarding in-app purchases in the game?

A5: While in-app purchases for premium items like NFT-BOX and Battle Passes can enrich gameplay, it’s important to spend within financial means and responsibly.


In PROJECT XENO, item selection and utilization are key to in-game triumphs. Essential items like Treasures, Master Keys, and Soul Tokens not only enhance gameplay but are crucial for strategic victories. Master Keys unlock valuable resources swiftly, while Soul Tokens propel character development. Gold, the in-game currency, facilitates growth and skill enhancement. Effective use of these items can dramatically shift game dynamics, leading to exhilarating victories. Mastering their strategic use enriches the gaming experience and paves the path to success in PROJECT XENO.