PancakeGames and OILWAR Unveil a Dynamic Partnership for 2024


In an exciting start to 2024, PancakeGames has just announced its first major partnership of the year with the dynamic and competitive game, OILWAR.

This announcement has the gaming and cryptocurrency communities buzzing with anticipation.

What is OILWAR?

Oil War is a competitive game about oil exploration. In this game, players embark on a journey to master the use of mining equipment, crucial for extracting treasures from rich oil fields. The game challenges players to delve into the world of oil mining, where strategic extraction of resources is key.

The game is not only about exploration and extraction, but also includes a robust competitive aspect. Players will have the opportunity to engage in Player vs. Player (PK) battles with tycoons from around the world. In these high-stakes confrontations, players can accumulate more capital in a given timeframe, trying to outsmart and outplay their opponents to become the ultimate victor.

The game app was launched on the 22nd, but OILWAR is gearing up to offer more than just mining and competition. The game includes features such as team building, leaderboards, weekly token airdrops. This variety of activities ensures that there’s always something new and exciting for players to do, especially for those who join the game early!