Celebrating Half a Year of PROJECT XENO: Updates, New Characters, and Special Campaigns


PROJECT XENO is celebrating its half-year milestone since its launch in May. To mark this occasion, producer Hozumi has published a letter for the users.


The letter also summarizes the introduction of new characters and the half-anniversary campaign. Please read through to the end.

Reflecting on XENO’s Journey

According to producer Hozumi, the schedule before the May release was incredibly demanding. There was a pre-launch experience for GXE partners, followed by improvements. Furuse, the CEO of CROOZ Blockchain Lab, and the team worked tirelessly right up to the launch day.

Subsequently, regular updates were implemented. It’s nostalgic to remember the early days when matches failed or the game crashed during battles, leaving no record of the outcomes.

Since then, they have participated in various large-scale events in Japan, such as WebX and the Tokyo Game Show, and host fan meetings.

Especially at the Tokyo Game Show, amidst major companies like SEGA and Square Enix with their large booths, CROOZ × gumi made a significant impact with a massive booth and announced a Mega Man collaboration, drawing attention from established gamers in Japan.

In addition to offline events, they also held a significant e-sports tournament, “Hikaru Cup,” with a total prize of 20 million yen, capturing the attention of Japanese gamers. This tournament was reported not only in Web3 but also in Web2 gaming media.

About the New Character ‘Necromancer’


Celebrating the half-year milestone, a new class will be introduced to XENO. The seventh class is the ‘Necromancer.’

Previously, this media had predicted that it would be a revival-themed character, which was accurate.

The abilities of the Necromancer, such as “reviving allies,” “conditional one-hit defeats,” and “summoning units that revive indefinitely,” were announced in the letter as being extremely powerful.

A commemorative sale will start on the 17th, and this blog will summarize more details.

The letter also mentioned that the concept for this new class had been in place since May and that its implementation would significantly change the gaming experience of XENO.

It’s exciting to acquire this new class during the sale.

About the Campaign


In addition to introducing the Necromancer, numerous campaigns are being held to commemorate the half-year anniversary. Here are the details of the campaigns currently known:

NumberCampaign NameDetails
1Login BonusLog in from November 10th until the end of the campaign for a ‘3,000U Coin’ gift
2Social BonusReach target numbers in likes, reposts, quote reposts, and comments on selected posts for up to ‘7,000U Coins’ for Arena 3 and above users
3Special NFT-BOX LotteryLog in during the campaign period for a chance to win one of six ‘Half Anniversary Special NFT-BOXES’, guaranteed GENESIS 5
4Daily Login BonusReceive a Master Key for logging in daily
5Arena Treasure Reward IncreaseOpening treasure gives 1.5 times GOLD, and 1.3 times U Coins, Soul Stones, and Skill Cards
6Half Anniversary PackSale of 50,000 Gold, 90 Soul Stones, and 20 Master Keys for 3,200 Yen/$20 (limit of 3 purchases per person)

Looking Ahead

We’ve looked at XENO’s miraculous journey, the half-anniversary campaign, and the introduction of new classes.

There are plans for more new class implementations, guild functions, guild battle features, 2-on-2 tag battles, and collaborations with well-known IPs, among other updates.

The future of XENO looks to be filled with more and more excitement!