What is NFT-BOX in PROJECT XENO: A Comprehensive Guide


Welcome to a deep dive into the world of NFT-BOX in PROJECT XENO.

In this post, we’ll cover everything from what an NFT-BOX is, to how to acquire them, the cautions to consider, a handy Q&A.



The NFT-BOX in PROJECT XENO can hold one of three types of NFTs: XENO, CHARM, or WEAPON. Each of these can grant powerful items to enrich your gameplay.

Here’s a snapshot of what each type of NFT-BOX offers:

RarityAll except GenesisRare and aboveRare and above
Unboxing cost8,000 G-coins6,000 G-coins4,000 G-coins
Unboxing deadline7 days7 days7 days

CHARM and WEAPON boxes guarantee rare items or better and can be sold on the marketplace two weeks after unboxing. Check out “Project XENO’s Exploration of NFTs: A Comprehensive Guide” if you prefer to pick your own NFTs instead of the NFT-BOX.

Holding a XENO NFT can give you access to Ucoin, which can be withdrawn. It’s a highly recommended option for those who want to fast-track Play-to-Earn (P2E).

CHARM and WEAPON, on the other hand, offer powerful buffs like ATK+20 that can help boost your win rate.

PROJECT XENO| How to Acquire an NFT-BOX


There are several ways to get an NFT-BOX:

  • NFT-BOX Sales
  • Arena Battles
  • Battle Pass (Premium)

Now, let’s look at them one at a time.


NFT-BOXes are occasionally available during sales. These have been held three times in the past , and during these periods, you could buy an NFT-BOX for 5,000 G-coins. But remember, you’ll also need an additional 4,000 to 8,000 G-coins to unbox it.

Arena Battles

XENO NFT-BOXes can sometimes drop as a reward for winning in the Arena. This means that even free players have a chance at earning an NFT-BOX.

Please do note, though, that you will still need G-coins to unbox it. It’s also been reported that NFT-BOXes can drop even at Arena 1, which is exciting news.

However, the important point is that if your treasure stock is full, no more NFT-BOXes can drop. The usual limit is four, but owning paid XENO NFTs can increase this limit.

Battle Pass (Premium)

Buying the premium version of the Season 1 Battle Pass (9800 yen) can grant you all three types of NFT-BOXes: XENO, CHARM, and WEAPON.

It’s a highly recommended option for those willing to spend real money as it also includes G-coins.

PROJECT XENO| Points to Note about NFT-BOX


There are some important considerations to keep in mind:

  • Unboxing Deadline
  • Unboxing Cost
  • 2 weeks for Listing

Unboxing Deadline

NFT-BOXes must be unboxed within seven days of acquiring them. If not unboxed in this time, they’ll disappear.

Unboxing Cost

Unboxing an NFT-BOX costs G-coins, which can be bought with a credit card or GXE tokens. Credit card payments can be periodically suspended and incur fees, so buying with GXE tokens is recommended.

If you do not know how to buy Gcoin, please see “Your Ultimate Guide to Buying G Coin in Project XENO“.

2 weeks for Listing

After unboxing an NFT-BOX, you must wait two weeks before you can sell the NFT you’ve received.

This can be a concern as the price may drop in this period, but it’s part of the game’s measures to prevent fraud.


  • Q: What’s the cost to unbox an NFT-BOX?
  • Q: Can I get an NFT-BOX as a free player?
  • Q: Can I sell an unopened NFT-BOX?
  • Q: Will I definitely profit from unboxing an NFT-BOX?

Q: What’s the cost to unbox an NFT-BOX?

A: The cost to unbox an NFT-BOX varies by the type of NFT it contains. Here’s a breakdown:

  • XENO: It costs 8,000 G-coins to unbox an XENO NFT-BOX. Remember, XENO NFTs can give you access to Ucoin, which can be withdrawn as real currency.
  • CHARM: Unboxing a CHARM NFT-BOX costs 6,000 G-coins. These NFTs offer powerful buffs like ATK+20 to help boost your win rate.
  • WEAPON: A WEAPON NFT-BOX can be unboxed for 4,000 G-coins. Like CHARM, these also grant powerful buffs that can make a difference in gameplay.

Remember that these costs are in addition to the initial purchase of the NFT-BOX.

Q: Can I get an NFT-BOX as a free player?

A: Yes, free players can acquire the NFT-BOX. One of the most direct methods is through winning in the Arena, where XENO NFT-BOXes can occasionally drop as a reward.

Note that while the NFT-BOX can be earned for free, you’ll still need G-coins to unbox it.

The game also sets limits on the number of treasures (like NFT-BOXes) you can hold at a time, so make sure to unbox or sell your treasures regularly to keep earning more.

Also, if you want to know how to make money for free, check out “Project XENO: Play Free, Earn More – A Complete Guide“.

Q: Can I sell an unopened NFT-BOX?

A: No, you cannot sell an unopened NFT-BOX. Once you’ve purchased or earned an NFT-BOX, you’re required to unbox it within seven days. After unboxing, you can sell the NFT you receive on the marketplace, but only after a waiting period of two weeks.

Q: Will I profit from unboxing an NFT-BOX?

A: No. While NFT-BOXes grant you an NFT, the value of that NFT can vary widely. For instance, some rare NFTs can fetch high prices on the marketplace, but there’s also the possibility that you receive an NFT that isn’t in high demand or doesn’t significantly enhance gameplay.


In PROJECT XENO, NFT-BOXes offer an exciting opportunity to obtain powerful NFTs. While they come with costs and considerations, they can be a valuable tool for boosting gameplay and potentially even earning real-world value.

As always, the key is to play responsibly and enjoy the game for its unique mechanics and thrilling gameplay. Happy gaming!



PROJECT XENO is the Japanese NFT game that merges GameFi and esports in a 3v3 PvP battle arena.

Developed by CROOZ Blockchain Lab, it offers enjoyable gameplay and long-term income generation.

With support from celebrities like YouTuber Hikaru and boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr., prepare to earn through gameplay, NFT trading, and token trading. 

NameProject XENO