SKY FRONTIER’s 7th LAND SALE: How to Participate and what you can get?



The 7th LAND SALE for SKY FRONTIER is here, offering unique “Snow Field” LAND. Participate to get daily bonuses and last-day rewards, and even bid on rare LAND.

[SKY FRONTIER] How to Participate?

You can join the sale from June 8th 3:00 AM UTC to June 10th 2:59:59 PM UTC. The minimum participation amount is $500 in USDT.

This LAND SALE will take the form of a POINT BATTLE; for more information on the POINT BATTLE, see this article.

[SKY FRONTIER] Bid and Rarity

Every 10th place★4Land
From 11-100th place★3Land
After 101st:★2Land

[SKY FRONTIER] Daily Ambassador Bonus

Rewards will be given to the top senders from the previous day’s transfer amount each day at 3:00 PM UTC. Depending on your position, you can win tickets, a new character “Bellus”, and even a rare weapon.

1st5TH-S Ticket+[S]Bellus+Choose Rare Weapon or N Character
2-3rd5TH Ticket+[S]Bellus
4-10th5TH Ticket+Bellus
11-100th5TH Ticket Mini+Bellus

[SKY FRONTIER] Last Day Early Bonus

On the final day of the sale, transfers closest to 12:00 PM UTC will win. You get one entry per transfer, up to 3 entries. Prizes include the new character “Bellus” and tickets.

one entry3 winnersBellus
three entries2 winnersBellus + 5TH Ticket

[SKY FRONTIER] Participation Benefits & LAND Sale Consecutive

Benefits depend on your number of participations in this LAND Sale. Participating once gets you 1 SFBOX, twice gives you a 5TH Ticket. If you participate in all June LAND sales, you’ll receive a bonus item including PGIB or a Land-exclusive S character.

[SKY FRONTIER] Conclusion

This LAND SALE is an opportunity to be a part of the exciting SKY FRONTIER universe. Enjoy the thrill of the bid, earn exclusive rewards, and deepen your engagement in this unique gaming experience.


SKY FRONTIER is a blockchain game developed and operated by BIG BANG, a Japanese company in partnership with Pancake Games. The game is developed as a multi-hunting RPG where players aim to defeat giant monsters and are primarily based on “Play to Earn,” allowing players to earn the in-game currency, “GSKY”.

NameSky Frontier