PROJECT XENO : The Differences Between Its 2 Tokens and 4 Coins


Blending the worlds of GameFi, e-Sports, and sheer fun, we have the NFT game ‘PROJECT XENO’. 

Are you aware that this NFT game boasts two unique types of tokens and four different coins? 

The variety of coins keeps the game engaging and fresh, but for beginners, understanding their differences can be a bit daunting. 

This article is here to help clear the fog – we’ll explain each token and coin, and we’ll show you how to get your hands on them.

Rely on this guidebook as you dive headfirst into the thrilling adventures that XENO has to offer! 

CurrencyHow to ObtainUsagePrice
GoldPurchase with U Coin
From Treasures
Level Up Skill Cards and XENO
Purchase items
1,000 Gold = 150 U Coin10,000 Gold = 1,350 U Coin100,000 Gold = 12,000 U Coin
U CoinFrom Treasures
Purchase with credit card
Purchase with UXE
Accelerate Treasure unboxing time
Purchase Gold and Treasure 
1 U Coin = 1 Cent
G CoinPurchase with credit card 
Purchase with  GXE
XENO Training
Skill Card Level Up
Item Purchase
1 G Coin = 1 Cent
UXEPurchase with credit card 
Purchase with U Coin
XENO Training
XENO Creation
Weapon and Charm Enhancement
Open Treasure and NFT-BOX
Depends on Cryptocurrency Market
GXEPurchase with CryptocurrencyOpen NFT-BOX, StakingDepends on Cryptocurrency Market
Market MoneyPurchase with credit card
Swap USDT at DEX (PancakeSwap)
NFT Purchase1 Market Money = 1 Dollar

Gold: The Everyday In-Game Currency

Gold, the in-game currency, is undoubtedly invaluable for non-paying users. 

It’s acquired by purchasing with U Coin or by opening Treasures that drop from Arena Battles. 

Do note that opening these Treasures or hastening their opening time requires U Coin. 

Here are further details about Gold:

How to Obtain:

  • Purchasing with U Coin
  • From Treasures


  • Leveling up skill cards
  • Enhancing XENO levels
  • Procuring items in the shop


  • 1,000 Gold = 150 U Coin
  • 10,000 Gold = 1,350 U Coin
  • 100,000 Gold = 12,000 U Coin

Maximum Accumulation: 300,000 Gold

There’s an important detail to remember about holding Gold: each account has a maximum limit of 300,000. And since it’s not possible to cash out Gold no matter how much you’ve accumulated, it’s advisable to actively use it once you’ve gathered a substantial amount!

U Coin: Convertible In-Game Currency, Purchasable with UXE

U Coin serves as an in-game currency for purchasing Gold or Treasures. 

You can get U Coin by exchanging UXE, which randomly drops when you win Arena Battles. Alternatively, you can also purchase U Coin directly using a credit card.

Unlike Gold, purchased U Coins can’t be cashed out, but U Coins obtained as in-game rewards can be converted into UXE and then withdrawn. 

The details are as follows:

How to Obtain:

  • From Treasures
  • Purchasing with a credit card (app only)
  • Purchasing with UXE (browser only)


  • Speeding up the opening time for Treasures
  • Buying Gold & Treasures
  • Opening NFT-BOX


1 U Coin = 1 Cent

Points to Note:

  • U Coins bought with credit cards and UXE can’t be exchanged or cashed out
  • U Coins, won as game rewards, can be exchanged/cashed out

Since UXE is a cryptocurrency, its value can go up or down. Therefore, it’s crucial to accurately time withdrawals to turn a profit!

G Coin: Special In-game Currency, Purchasable with GXE

G Coin is an in-game currency that can only be purchased with the cryptocurrency GXE or a credit card. While it can be used for nurturing XENO or buying items, its usage frequency tends to be low. Please make purchases as necessary.

How to Obtain:

  • Purchasing with a credit card
  • Purchasing with the cryptocurrency, GXE


  • Training XENO
  • Leveling up skill cards
  • Buying items
  • Opening NFT-BOX


1 G Coin = 1 Cent

Points to Note:

Cannot be exchanged/cashed out

Since G Coins can’t be withdrawn, once they’re purchased, the only option is to use them up. Make sure not to purchase them by mistake!

UXE: The Utility Token with an Infinite Supply

UXE is a cryptocurrency that acts as the utility token for Project XENO, with its defining characteristic being the absence of a supply limit. 

The details are as follows:

Token Name: XENO Utility Token (UXE)

Supply Limit: None

Contract Address: 0x94EF1c2d0F7Dc899978944F2898d78a255AFad3E

Token Standard: BEP-20

How to Obtain:

  • Win in Arena Battles with NFT XENO set up
  • Swap U Coins at DEX (PancakeSwap)


  • Training XENO
  • Creating XENO
  • Enhancing Weapons and Charms
  • Speeding Up the opening time of Treasure
  • Purchasing items at the shop

The EARN status of XENO reveals how much UXE it can earn. The higher the EARN value, the more UXE can be acquired. Take note, the XENO that is freely distributed at the first time, doesn’t have the EARN parameter, hence it won’t earn any UXE.

GXE: The Governance Token – Limited Supply, Unlimited Power

GXE is another cryptocurrency in Project XENO, characterized by its limited supply, contrasting with UXE. As a governance token, GXE holders have the ability to participate in votes that decide the direction of Project XENO. 

The details are as follows:

Token Name: XENO Governance Token (GXE)

Supply Limit: 6,000,000,000

Contract Address: 0x510975edA48A97E0cA228dD04d1217292487bea6

Token Standard: BEP-20

How to Obtain:

  • Purchase on a cryptocurrency exchange


  • Opening NFT-BOX
  • Stake at TTX.FINANCE

Out of the six types of tokens and coins, GXE might be described as the most investment-oriented token. As of June 2023, the two exchanges where GXE can be purchased are as follows.

  • MEXC
  • Bittrex

Market Money: The Exclusive Currency for NFT Marketplace

The final introduction is Market Money. Market Money is an in-game currency used exclusively in the marketplace for purchasing NFT items.

How to Obtain:

  • Purchase with credit card (American Express / Dinars / JCB / Mastercard / VISA)
  • Swap from USDT (BEP-20/ERC-20)


  • Purchasing NFTs


1 Market Money = 1 Dollar

(Minimum purchase amount is 10 Market Money)

Points to Note:

A sales commission of 6% is collected when purchasing NFT items in the marketplace. Therefore, if there’s an item desired, consider buying a bit more Market Money than required to cover the fee!

Keep Those XENO Tokens & Coins Straight!

That wraps up our dive into the four in-game coins and two cryptocurrencies available in Project XENO. 

Yes, it might seem a bit intricate, possibly leaving some scratching their heads. 

But don’t worry! With this article as a guide, you’ll have it all figured out in no time. 

When you’re gearing up to make a purchase of any cryptocurrency, don’t forget to refer back to the handy table we provided.

CurrencyHow to ObtainUsagePrice
GoldPurchase with U Coin
From Treasures
Level Up Skill Cards and XENO
Purchase items
1,000 Gold = 150 U Coin10,000 Gold = 1,350 U Coin100,000 Gold = 12,000 U Coin
U CoinFrom Treasures
Purchase with credit card
Purchase with UXE
Accelerate Treasure unboxing time
Purchase Gold and Treasure 
1 U Coin = 1 Cent
G CoinPurchase with credit card 
Purchase with  GXE
XENO Training
Skill Card Level Up
Item Purchase
1 G Coin = 1 Cent
UXEPurchase with credit card 
Purchase with U Coin
XENO Training
XENO Creation
Weapon and Charm Enhancement
Open Treasure and NFT-BOX
Depends on Cryptocurrency Market
GXEPurchase with CryptocurrencyOpen NFT-BOX, StakingDepends on Cryptocurrency Market
Market MoneyPurchase with credit card
Swap USDT at DEX (PancakeSwap)
NFT Purchase1 Market Money = 1 Dollar