PROJECT XENO: All Character List and Strategies for Winning


PROJECT XENO is a popular game that many players enjoy.

XENO has eight different classes, each with its own powerful abilities. Some are focused on offense, while others specialize in defense.

By efficiently selecting and combining three units from these classes, it is possible to increase your chances of winning. And increasing your chances of winning directly contributes to earning rewards.

This article introduces the character list and recommended compositions for PROJECT XENO.


First, here is the character list. PROJECT XENO features various characters, each with their own unique skills and traits. Players are required to combine them to create the strongest team.


The Gunslinger is a lethal class with powerful single-target attacks. They nullify shields and damage reduction, excelling against well-defended foes. Their skills also prevent targeting, boosting survivability.

  1. Nullification Skills: The Gunslinger nullifies shields and damage reduction, making them highly effective against defensive enemies.
  2. Survivability and Evasion: Skills prevent targeting, enhancing survivability and avoiding critical hits.
  3. Quick Reload: “Quick Reload” boosts ATK by 29% for 2 turns, recovers energy, and discards low-cost skill cards.

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The DRUID in XENO excels at supporting allies and disrupting enemies. Their abilities include adding skill cards to allies, damaging and silencing targets, summoning powerful units, and enhancing damage through accumulated ‘Mana,’ making the DRUID a crucial strategic asset.

  1. Sabotaging the enemy: ‘Tornado’ deals damage to O-shaped squares and silences the target, forcing them to use only attack skills next turn.
  2. Powerful summoned units: ‘Alteo’ summons a powerful unit with 9000 HP and 210 ATK for three turns, costing 200 but stronger than PSYCHIC’s ‘Valkyle’.
  3. Unique skill ‘Mana’: DRUID’s ‘Mana’ skill increases with abilities like ‘Windcutter’ and enhances damage for skills like ‘Tornado’ when accumulated.

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The PALADIN, newly introduced to the XENO class, stands out with its superior attack and defense capabilities. This class is particularly effective against Necromancers and uniquely adept at disrupting enemy formations by summoning units onto their field.

  1. High Power Balance: The PALADIN possesses robust attack and defense stats, though its powerful abilities come at a higher skill cost, requiring strategic resource management.
  2. Anti-Necromancer Abilities: It features specialized skills like Holy Cross and Divine Flash, which not only deal significant damage to Necromancers but also prevent the resurrection of their undead minions, making PALADIN a critical counter to these foes.
  3. Strategic Field Disruption: With the innovative Trojan Horse ability, the PALADIN can summon units to vacant squares on the enemy’s field. This tactic is particularly useful for hindering the opponent’s strategic placements and summoned units, adding a layer of strategic depth to its gameplay.

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The Necromancer is a unique XENO with abilities not seen before, such as resurrecting fallen XENO and summoning units that revive every turn. Its arrival has significantly broadened the strategic possibilities in the game.

  1. XENO Resurrection: True to its name, the Necromancer can resurrect fallen XENO. This ability is particularly useful for bringing back units like NINJA and GRAPPLER, which are often easily defeated early in the game.
  2. Instant Death Effect: The Necromancer’s special skill, Iron Maiden, has an instant death effect. Although it has a high cost of 300, it’s extremely handy as it can instantly kill even high-health units like GUARDIAN if their HP is below 70%.

With the introduction of the NECROMANCER, strategies have greatly evolved. It’s a powerful unit with an excellent area attack, making it popular among many players.

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GRAPPLER is a XENO with high attack power and frequently lands critical hits in attacks. Here are the features of GRAPPLER:

  1. Attack Specialization: GRAPPLER is a XENO specialized in attack. It has a higher chance of landing critical hits when attacking other XENO. This makes it particularly skilled at dealing high damage to individual targets.
  2. Summoned Unit “Little Fighter”: GRAPPLER has the summoned unit “Little Fighter,” which can attack from the turn it is summoned. “Little Fighter” has excellent attack power and serves as a powerful support for GRAPPLER.

GRAPPLER excels in dealing high damage to individual targets and can strategically handle powerful enemy XENO.

Make use of its high attack power to defeat enemy XENO.

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NINJA is the fastest XENO, known for its tricky tactics and diverse hindering skills. Here are the features of NINJA:

  1. Speed: NINJA is the fastest XENO, which allows it to always act first in battles and have the advantage of dealing damage to the opponent.
  2. Poison Skills: NINJA can utilize various damaging skills. For example, it can use “Poison Bomb” to attack the opponent while inflicting additional damage.
  3. “Raging Flame”: This skill reduces the cost of other NINJA’s skills by 1 when used. This allows NINJA to deal damage with an overwhelming number of moves.

NINJA excels in tricky tactics and taking the initiative in battles with its speed and poison skills.

It is recommended to use skills like “Poison Bomb” and “Raging Flame” to put pressure on opponents in higher arenas.

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PSYCHIC is a XENO known for summoning skills and area attacks. Here are the features of PSYCHIC:

  1. Summoning Skills: PSYCHIC has summoning skills, which allow it to summon new units to the battlefield. Using the skill “Meteor” can generate a summoned unit that deals significant damage after 3 turns.
  2. Area Attacks: PSYCHIC has skills that enable area attacks. This allows it to take down multiple enemies, including summoned units, at once. It can attack by bypassing the enemy’s formation, giving an advantage in battles.
  3. Effectiveness against NINJA: PSYCHIC has skills that are effective against NINJA. Therefore, when fighting in popular and powerful arenas where NINJA is prevalent, utilizing PSYCHIC can give you an advantage.

PSYCHIC specializes in offense, particularly in deploying tactical battles using summoning skills and area attacks. However, its HP is relatively low, so placement and timing during battles are crucial.

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SAMURAI is an all-around attacker in the world of XENO, excelling in various situations.

Here are the features of SAMURAI:

  • Mastery of Area Attacks: SAMURAI is highly skilled in area attacks, capable of targeting entire rows, whether horizontally or vertically. This allows SAMURAI to efficiently reduce groups of enemies simultaneously.
  • “Meditation” Skill: SAMURAI possesses the “Meditation” skill, which, when used, boosts its attack power on the next turn. Consequently, using “Meditation” followed by an Area Attack is a recommended tactic for dealing substantial damage.
  • Balanced Stats: SAMURAI boasts balanced stats, encompassing attack, defense, speed, and more. This well-rounded performance enables SAMURAI to fulfill a variety of roles effectively.

SAMURAI’s ability to strike adjacent XENO or summoned units collectively, coupled with the potential for high damage through “Meditation,” makes it a versatile asset in any party.

With its balanced attributes, SAMURAI adapts admirably to diverse situations and proves to be a dependable XENO.

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GUARDIAN is a wall character specialized in healing and defense, as the name suggests. Here are the features of GUARDIAN:

  1. Healing Abilities: GUARDIAN has the skills “Predetor α” and “Predetor β” which allow it to deal damage to enemies while healing itself. Using these skills in the same turn increases the amount of healing, making GUARDIAN a very powerful healing character.
  2. Defense for Allies: GUARDIAN has shield-type skills like “Magnetic Armor” which help protect other XENO while progressing battles. This improves the overall durability of the party.
  3. Speed: GUARDIAN has the second fastest speed among all XENO. This allows it to take the initiative in battles and gain an advantage in the game.

GUARDIAN specializes in protecting allies and supporting them, particularly showing good compatibility with low HP PSYCHIC and GRAPPLER. Placing GUARDIAN in the front can bring stability to the whole party.

However, since GUARDIAN’s attack power is generally not high, it is recommended to focus mainly on defense and healing.

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BREAKER is a XENO specialized in attack power within PROJECT XENO’s characters. Here are its features:

  1. High Attack Power and Area Attack: BREAKER is known for its high attack power and ability to perform area attacks. In particular, when using the skill called “Berserk,” its attack power increases for that turn and the damage of other skills also increases. By utilizing this, you can deal a significant amount of damage to enemies in one go.
  2. Critical Effect against Summoned Units: BREAKER has a critical effect against summoned units. This makes it highly effective in dealing with summoned units.

However, BREAKER also has some weaknesses. It has the slowest speed among XENO, which may put it at a disadvantage in the later stages of battles.

Therefore, careful timing and positioning of attacks are necessary to maximize the use of BREAKER.

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PROJECT XENO| Recommended XENO Party Formation

PROJECT XENO| Recommended XENO Party Formation

Recommended Formation 1: Balanced Offense and Defense

This party composition achieves a balance between offense and defense.

  • GUARDIAN: Balances offense and defense while protecting allies.
  • PSYCHIC: Provides firepower.
  • SAMURAI: Possesses powerful area attacks, attacking multiple enemy XENO at once.

In this composition, GUARDIAN maintains a balance between offense and defense, while PSYCHIC and SAMURAI utilize their area attacks to damage multiple enemy XENO simultaneously. It is also relatively strong against summoned units.

Recommended Formation 2: Summoned Unit Focus

This party composition focuses on battling with summoned units.

  • GUARDIAN: Balances offense and defense while protecting summoned units.
  • PSYCHIC: Provides firepower with skills like Meteor.
  • NINJA: With its high speed, quickly deals damage to enemy XENO.

In this composition, the focus is on battling with summoned units, with GUARDIAN protecting them and PSYCHIC and NINJA providing firepower.

Particularly, protecting PSYCHIC’s Meteor is powerful.

Recommended Formation 3: Attack Specialization

This party composition specializes in attack.

  • NINJA: Attacks quickly with various hindering skills.
  • GRAPPLER: Specialized XENO with high damage skills against individual targets.
  • BREAKER: XENO with high attack power and critical hits against summoned units.

In this composition, the attack-specialized XENO quickly deals damage to enemy XENO. GRAPPLER’s critical hits give overwhelming firepower against enemy XENO.

PROJECT XENO| Tips for Winning in XENO Game

PROJECT XENO| Tips for Winning in XENO Game

So far, we have looked at the characteristics of each XENO and recommended compositions.

Finally, let’s introduce some tips to consider when you find it difficult to win in arena battles.

Tip 1: Speed is Important

Tip 1: Speed is Important

Speed is crucial in battles. The speed of XENO does not change even with level upgrades, so consider speed when constructing your deck.

Here is some reference information regarding XENO’s speed:

Ninja > Guardian > Grappler > Psychic > Samurai > Breaker

Speed leads to taking the initiative in battles and gaining an advantageous position.

For example, decks with Psychic, Samurai, or Breaker have low speed, so be aware that their attacks may be delayed.

Tip 2: Prioritize Leveling Up

Tip 2: Prioritize Leveling Up

Leveling up and enhancing skills contribute to the improvement of XENO’s performance, increasing competitiveness in battles.

Treasure boxes obtained when winning in arena battles contain development items. Especially for beginners, consider boosting your progress by spending a few dollars to obtain development items.

Tip 3: Arrange Your Party Wisely

Tip 3: Arrange Your Party Wisely

In battle, arrange XENO within a 3×3 grid. You can create advantageous situations by cleverly arranging your party.

For example, placing a high endurance GUARDIAN in the front and a low HP PSYCHIC in the back allows the GUARDIAN to take the attacks while the PSYCHIC can safely attack. By arranging your team strategically, you can gain an advantage in the battle.

With these strategy points in mind, hone your tactics in the XENO game and improve your win rate. Adjust your deck and arrangement according to the situation and enjoy the game with your growing XENO companions!



The above is an introduction to the character list and recommended formations in PROJECT XENO. It is important to understand the skills and characteristics of each character and consider a formation that suits your play style.

Additionally, it is necessary to consider the compatibility and role distribution among team members to create a well-balanced team.

I encourage all of you to create your own strongest team and enjoy the gameplay!



PROJECT XENO is the Japanese NFT game that merges GameFi and esports in a 3v3 PvP battle arena.

Developed by CROOZ Blockchain Lab, it offers enjoyable gameplay and long-term income generation.

With support from celebrities like YouTuber Hikaru and boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr., prepare to earn through gameplay, NFT trading, and token trading. 

NameProject XENO